Caboose usage
Depends on several things: Whose railroad are we using - the Dispatcher controls main, secondary, and various other types of lines. If you are using a Main Track to get there and back, and you are running as a "Train" ( ie.,"Train PKC-3"), absolutely! If on an industrial or yard track, maybe not. Provisions were made for moves without a caboose, but special instructions would be in force concerning the air test, marker provisions, and your "permission" to occupy the track, and additional operating and safety rules about which you were expected to be familiar...that's why they gave you a timetable and rule book, and made you go to class yearly. They told me when I started - "Anything can be done...but it must be done properly or somebody's gonna get hurt !" Bob C.
James Thurber - "It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers."

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