88FANS Scratchbuild '09 Challenge
Thanks Kevin.

Disclaimer: I'm not a professional scratchbuilder. I've been scratchbuilding for years and love it. The next few steps are the ones that I've used myself with what I think are great results(Not to slap my own back....My arms aren't that long). I'm only posting my techique for those beginners that wish to try their hand at scratchbuilding. There are those modellers that have better ways of doing things, and basically are far more talented then me.

With that out of the way

After getting rough measurements, and drawing a rough diagram, I started in on the walls. I'm using Evergreen .040" clapboard siding for the outside walls, and plain .040" for the inside. The first thing I do is measure the dimensions, and draw out the basic shape of the wall on the backside of the plastic.

Before I cut out the wall, I will measure and cut out the opening for the window. This will give support when cutting out the window,and prevent damage(It does happen) such as breaking the wall. I'm using Grandt line windows that came from their Sample Box bought a couple of years ago. The long, two pane windows were great for those ones you see in public restrooms. The windows come with a flange on the back and window trim. I measure the flange which gives me a rough dimension for the opening. Some folks will cut the wall up like a jigsaw puzzle to remove the opening, then put the wall back together. I tried that once and didn't like the results.

Here, I'm free handing the cutting of the hole.

The rough opening.

After getting the rough opening, I will use jewelers files to open it up to the right dimensions, checking the fit every once in awhile. This does take time.

Perfect fit.

Then I finish cutting the wall out.
Tip: When cutting plastic, make sure you have sharp blades handy. Plastic will quickly dull the X-Acto blade.
Torrington, Ct.
NARA Member #87
I went to my Happy Place, but it was closed for renovations.

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