Kadee Couplers on Bachmann
I have the Bachmann Walt Disney train (Lily Belle). The original Bachmann couplers are giving out -- the springs no longer hold the knuckles closed. So I decided to replace them with Kadee. Being adventuresome Nope I bought the scale head with integral spring that will stick in your finger. All seems fine but the couplers don't swing back and forth. A couple of seconds with the micrometer shows that the Kadees are thicker than the Bachmenn and are binding in the coupler box. A check on the old #5 suggests that they'll only fit if I leave the spring out -- not a geat idea.

Any suggestions? Does this happen with other models?

Secondary question: when I undid the screws the screw came out with plastic in the threads -- not good. What solution for this?
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