Caboose usage
nkp_174 Wrote:
Brakie Wrote:My Dad was a head brakeman ...
He finally became a qualified fireman and later engineer.

Neither of my Grandfathers(both hardcore BLE members)...

Brakie, it just isn't cool to tell us they were BLE members, yet not tell us what railroads and locomotives they worked on!


Since I want to be "cool" both was PRR engineers.As far as locomotives what ever was assign to their train..Dad was a P company man.All of my Dad's brothers worked on the railroads(PRR,N&W,B&O and C&O).All my Mother brothers worked on the railroads(1 worked on the NKP as a welder).1 Aunt was a Secretary. My Mom worked as a clerk/typist before getting cancer.

Like my father I went railroadin' at the age of 18 as a brakeman..

Summerset Ry

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