Ocalicreek's Garage Layout Planning Thread
TrainNut Wrote:Galen! That plan is great as well as your accompanying description! It might need some tweeking here and there but for the most part, I say go with it. It makes my quicky look like dog food! 357

Thanks, TN! It will most certainly need tweeking since it's only at the mainline/passing siding/grade check stage. I may be able to widen the front curves, and sidings need to be planned. I have already shown one possible spot for a diorama to be included...but there are a couple more to fit on there as well. (PLUS the summer kitbash project may need a home too!).

The Yard may cause me fits, however. I sketched out a very functional basic yard on 24" width, so shifting all the blobs over a bit and shrinking aisles may be in order, along with narrowing the yard down to 18" width (excepting the remaining 2' over the freezer, of course).

Thanks again for your input and suggestions. Please don't stray too far as this plan develops.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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