UP Elmwood Subdivision - N Scale Layout

Today I put down my first batch of groundwork. I'm using a mixture mentioned in one of Joe Fugate's railroad videos. It's a simple mixture of:
- 4 parts fine vermiculite
- 3 parks patching plaster
- 1 part portland cement
and then enough water to make it a smooth, spreadable mixture. Here's how the first attempt looks:

[Image: IMG_1882.jpg] [Image: IMG_1883.jpg] [Image: IMG_1884.jpg] [Image: IMG_1885.jpg] [Image: IMG_1887.jpg]

I'll let this setup for a day or two and then go back to patch up the cracks and any spots needing a little more coverage. While the mixture looks good once dried, it does shrink a little while setting up. But it's nothing a quick little patching can't fix.

I ended up making a much larger batch than I was expecting so I had to sorta hurry through this first section. Next time I know to go with a much smaller batch and just do small 1-2 foot sections at a time.

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