UP Elmwood Subdivision - N Scale Layout

Along with replacing the old bridge spans with a new BLMA Truss bridge, I also wanted/needed to replace the abutments for the new bridge (the existing weren't wide enough). So I decided to go with a squared off concrete abutment this time around.

I first started with 6 boxes of Monroe Models Bridge Expansion kits. This gives you 12 total pieces.

[Image: IMG_2024.jpg]

I cut off the little backer piece on top (not shown) so the tops were nice and flat. I then glued two sections together with a little piece of popsicle stick, and then glued 3 sections together to form a 3 sided box.

[Image: IMG_2028.jpg] [Image: IMG_2027.jpg]

Gave everything a spray on concrete Floquil in-a-can paint...

[Image: IMG_2029.jpg] [Image: IMG_2030.jpg]

And voila! The new bridge is in place.

[Image: IMG_2031.jpg]

Just need to redo the terrain around the new abutments, extend the roadbed a tiny a bit and she'll be ready to roll.

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