UP Elmwood Subdivision - N Scale Layout

Gave the river banks, and the surrounding area, a layer of plaster cloth as the base shell to the landscape.

[Image: IMG_2094.jpg] [Image: IMG_2095.jpg]

My next plan was to put a layer of sculptamold on top the plaster just to smooth out the service a bit, and fill any gaps that needed it. But then I saw a container of Woodland's Scenics Mold-A-Scene at Hobby Lobby (who didn't have sculptamold), and figured what the heck, let's give this stuff a try.

My verdict... I like it. Funny enough, it looks like the mixture from Joe Fugate's DVD series, but I find it easier to work with. Maybe cause it's a heck of lot easier to mix. 1 Cup of mixture + 3 ounces of water. Done. I mix it up a plastic container, then use a medium size pallet knife to scoop out maybe 1-2 tablespoon at a time. I plop the mixture on the plaster, spread it out a little bit, and repeat. You have about 30 minutes working time according to the box, and it takes about 24 hours to fully dry. Once I empty the container, I'll wet my fingers and then just manually smooth and blend the area just applied.

Here's the result of the first batch I applied.

[Image: IMG_2096.jpg] [Image: IMG_2097.jpg] [Image: IMG_2098.jpg]

I love the end result though. It's got a nice looking texture and a great looking ground color. I don't even think I'm going to bother painting or applying "dirt"? to this stuff because to me it looks good as it is.

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