Firestorm at Z's....
The Gauge is one of 750,000 hits on Google also.
When the net was younger the search engines worked better, now there are so many hits on a search, regardless of what you are looking for, that they can be quite useless.
I just started a Yahoo group for Samoyed lovers, and elected to keep it private and hidden. We pass the info along to people we would like to join us. We just lost a forum due to over moderation, and it was around for 8 years. The owner just deleted it, losing a lot of valuable information that had been posted over the years. There were 350 members. We are less then a month old and have 55 members and have had 2500 posts.
I didn't notice Z in the top listings either, and my last visit didn't show many railroad posts either
Slow growth is the best growth. I think the cream of the crop has come to Big Blue and others will make it sooner or later. I haven't seen a question here go unanswered.

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