Firestorm at Z's....
As some of you are aware, I too still frequent the ol' forum, and enjoy the very same threads mentioned by MMan....But it does anger me to see the crass comercialism and black-boot attitudes of the CEO. I have nothing against the folks who still linger there, and some new ones that come along now and then, although many of them aren't "repeaters"...A lot of "one-time" shows...
I hope it doesn't fail, as mentioned here, there is a lot of our old info there, but I have taken the precaution to rescue my threads, and some of my other favorite threads so they don't just reside "over there"....
BTW...I have also yet to see a denigrating comment here regarding the old forum. To point out "unseemly" attitudes and happenings there is not's stating truths.
Gus (LC&P).

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