Introducing The PistonBroke Line
K..... Here are a few pics of where I'm at.

I slapped a bit of paint around to see what the effect is
[Image: 100_2358.jpg]
These will be the two colours I think.

A few walls painted, peeled and joined
[Image: 100_2357.jpg]

A bit closer to see the mistakes
[Image: 100_2356.jpg]
Still trying for the unloved look....... :oops: the window by the door is open.( or broken?)( or not fitted properly more to the point.. Nope )

Then the wharf, which is molded
[Image: 100_2359.jpg]

[Image: 100_2360.jpg]
A bit more painting....
... a work in progress ... The pylons
[Image: 100_2362.jpg]

And a closer and more incriminating view
[Image: 100_2365.jpg]

I s'pose I Just have to keep experimenting with the paint brush until it looks passable from a distance huh? Wallbang

and one more just to keep you awake a wee bit longer
[Image: 100_2366.jpg]

There was no window material with the kit, so I used some goo which makes windows, on the door and the 3 little windows, turned out OK I think, it was a lot easier for elephant hands here to do that, rather than trying to cut out some windows and glue them into that tiny space.

Anywho.... that's about the long and short of it at the moment, Its only a small building but that makes it a bit more of a challenge for these fingers.

Back soon with a bit more...

Jack 219
..... Abandon the search for truth
Look for a good fantasy

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