ezdays kitbash 09 summer challenge
First we need to discuss the history of the building that has been used by the, EZways Furniture Manufacturing Co. for some 80 years now. Back around 1925, one of my forefathers had developed a way of manufacturing furniture that was cost effective and amazingly easy to make. After working out of a garage for a few years, he bought two abandoned buildings once used by U. S. Customs for holding confiscated goods. A portion of one building was beyond repair, so he cleverly joined the remaining good half to the other building and had one large structure that would house his growing needs. As it continued to grow, he found a rickety old warehouse nearby that was about to be demolished, so for just the price of moving the building, he was able to join it to the side of his existing structure. Unfortunately, half the warehouse fell apart during the move, but the rest remained intact and fit just right.

He taught his craft to his children and as they and the business grew. They purchased an old lumber yard a few miles away back in the 50’s, but the trip back and forth to deliver finished lumber became expensive and time consuming, so a decade later they had the main structure torn down and rebuilt near the existing manufacturing plant. The problem was that the guys they hired to do the job were somewhat inept and did not mark the parts properly when they tore it down. Therefore, what was once a four-story structure, wound up as a two-story one. When completed, it was only about half as wide as well. Still, it was adequate for their needs as a sawmill.
Raw lumber could now be brought in, cut for their own use and even dried out on site before using it in their manufacturing of low-cost, but quality furniture. The building complex is still in use today and is run by the current generation of the Ezdays family Growth as been limited though, because the family refuses to skimp on quality or move work off-shore. They still do all the manufacturing in this small and very old structure.
Don (ezdays) Day
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