E-paw's kitbash summer '09 challenge
Before I painted the sub assemblies I decided to make provisions for some lighting. It would be hard to hide the wire in such an open structure so I tried to make them look like electrical conduite. I glued them to the inside of the iron work in straight runs from top to bottom to simulate a buried feed to the apron.    
Then it is off to the paint shop. All the parts got a few coats of either Polly Scale empire green or aged concrete. The same as my coaling bridge.    
while that dried I started to work on the support for the side fo the bridge that is in the water. I started by carving a block of foam to shape and gluing some stained dowels to the side of it that faces the apron bridge. The rest will be covered with rip raft and dirt.    
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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