Firestorm at Z's....
doctorwayne Wrote:
MountainMan Wrote:On and on it still goes ....

Yes' it's odd, isn't it, that every reply seems to perpetuate this thread? 790_smiley_picking_a_fight Goldth Goldth

MountainMan Wrote:- the only model railroad forum that has a specific thread about another forum. You came here allegedly to get away from it, and then you brought it all with you anyway and you STILL can't stop talking about it.

There were several threads at crowdgather (Zealot) concerning this forum (un-named) and people's comments and complaints about crowdgather - the administration there removed the threads and the dissenting Members. We encourage open and respectful discussion here, and as long as people care to comment on this topic in such a manner, they will be encouraged to do so. Often, when you lose an old friend, talking about it helps to ease the sense of loss.

MountainMan Wrote:You folks need to seriously rethink your purpose in being here.

And you, Jeff? Wink Goldth


I am re-thinking being here, based on the attitudes of many members. This forum was supposed to be a solution, not part of the same basic problem. I'm frankly doubtful that this forum will be the proper venue for me to display concepts and construction that go beyond current mainstream thinking, as my layout does.

The comment about "losing an old friend" is hilarious. No one here, to hear them tell it over and over, "lost an old friend" nor are they grieving for anything. On the contrary, everyone expressed delight at leaving.

Thanks for asking. Now I'll ask you the same question, as well as this one - why can't you leave the old forum alone? Guilt? Fascination with the forbidden? Regret that it hasn't failed abysmally as everyone predicted? What? Even when there is no activity in this section, this thread just keeps on going, and blaming me for it is childish. It has perpetuated itself whether I'm here or not, and it will continue to do so because it touches some atavistic nerve in your souls. I can think of no other explanation. It's like a sore tooth; you just can't stop touching it with your tongue, over and over.

Meanwhile, the superb work being displayed in the old forum Logging section remains unrivaled anywhere on this forum, done by two modelers who did not change to the new venue. I challenge all of you to disparage their work or them on that basis.

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