Five Needless Deaths
There was a news report, last night, about an Amtrak train/auto "incident". There were five in the car, two over 80, who died.
What enraged me, was not the accident, but the way the news broadcaster presented it, as if the evil Amtrak went sneakily off the track, hunted down its victims and brutally murdered them. Then, apparently, was able to sneak back on to the track, all innocent, and victimized by the horrid auto.
I'm really tired of "the train slammed into", "...were killed when a train demolished their vehicle", ".......children were killed when a train crashed into the car they were riding in".
For just once I'd like to hear, "......stupid humans lost the race with a moving train when they put themselves on the rails directly in front of the much larger, and heavier moving object, and were ground into hamburger as a result of their dumb choice".
It's bad enough when a train actually does go "off the tracks", and people die. But it's wrong to "blame the train" when it has stayed in its "own back yard" (on the tracks !!!) and the stupid humans have put themselves in harms way.
Why do we constantly act as if we were immune to consequence!???
"Mothers teach your children, don't do what I have done".......Don't go between the "two bars" of the trainmonster's cage,....... death waits there.
I'll end my rant with a word to the train crews who did every reasonable thing they could, to prevent an accident, and have had to cope with those who put themselves on death's path. You were forgiven, before the fact. In truth, you were the victims. May God bless you, and may fortune favor you.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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