Fiddle Yards?
I have a small 3x5' layout that I've been working on (I've posted about this layout here earlier this year).

The layout is coming along very nicely now and working really well. It has two loops of track which are connected, an outer loop (using 18”R curves) and an inner loop (using 15”R curves). There is one siding on the outside edge of the layout as well as some sidings — basically an Inglenook arrangement — inside the inner loop.

I’m now thinking of adding a small fiddle yard in the next little while. I would simply add an extra 12” to 18” onto one end of the layout. I would set up 2 to 3 storage sidings where various trains (i.e. "actors") could wait when they’re not “on-stage," on the layout.

I’ve never used a fiddle yard before on my layouts, partly due to lack of space. I also have a larger 4x6’ layout but it has never had a fiddle yard as well. I’m just beginning to understand the benefits of having a fiddle yard and was wondering if anyone could offer any suggestions or feedback.

I’ll try to post some updated pics in due course as well.

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