Ideas for a shelf layout
Waiting for funding is tough to do but if you hang in there and find a way to keep your interest up during that time, plus remain faithful to keep stashing away the cash, you will succeed. Do not give up.

My oldest (4) decorated piggy banks for everyone in the family as a fun craft project. I think my wife found them on sale at Michael's craft store. Anyway, mine says "Daddy's Train Money" on the side. This is what he wanted to write on there so that's what my wife wrote on there for him. I keep it in my office at work and occasionally remember to put my spare change in there. It will add up and I'm sure there'll be something at the LHS or online I'll want to order about the time it's full.

In the mean time, try a cardstock shed or something like that. I bet there are many inspirational photos of Alaskan structures which would fit your layout and wouldn't be that hard to build. OR, download one of the free paper kits from scalescenes, etc.

Just a couple cents worth!

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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