Southern Ontario Railway Odyssey
Couple weeks ago, I had the chance to travel sans family to see some of the railway spots in Southern Ontario that I've had on my list for a long time. While it did not prove to be a Canadian version of the Gauge get together from earlier this summer, it was still an excellent trip. Unfortunately, several southern Ontario Gaugers were unavailable, but Spitfire was up for anything, and was an excellent guide and host to boot! Thanks!! Thumbsup Thumbsup

Saturday afternoon was spent poking around at the former Canadian Pacific Railway John Street Roundhouse. Situated in the shadow of the CN Tower and the Rogers Centre (formerly the SkyDome) this relic of Canadian railway history is now home to Steamwhistle Breweries (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->), Leon's Furniture, and most importantly, the Toronto Railway Historical Society museum (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).

The TRHA is building an impressive collection that will be housed in three stalls of the roundhouse, the machine shop, and outdoors around the restored turntable and coal tower. Nearby sites (and sights Wink) will be linked with historic walks, including such destinations as Union Station and the former offices of Canadian Northern.

Let's take a look around:

Don Valley Station
You can see where this little station was sawn in half Eek to transport it to the site.


Interlocking Tower
One wall is currently plywood, as the original was removed to get the interlocking mechanisms (8 tonnes) out for restoration.


The Roundhouse
Say what you will about the Leon's moving in, but they have reportedly been very supportive, including putting up some significant $$$ in support of the museum.

The best look at the inside is in the Steamwhistle Brewery, where other than cleaning up and pouring a new floor, the interior remains pretty much the same.


Interesting details on the back wall and some big (big!) doors.


Walthers Tank Set? Wink


Coal Tower


Assorted Engines
Since I only have eyes for the steam power, you'll have to fill in the rest for me...


And a mural showing how things used to be. This is painted on the wall of the access to underground parking for SkyDome/Rogers Centre that faces the Leon's entrance and is built into the side of the coal tower.


After we had toured the site (and missed the free beer from Steamwhistle 35 ) we headed of in search of a couple of hobby shops. First we found John's Camera & Hobbies *link* - with lots of hobbies (trains, models, doll houses, R/C, planes) but little camera gear in evidence. I picked up a couple of trucks, and this vintage reefer lettered for Sudbury (Ontario) Breweries, shown on Val's layout (Parkdale Yard):


A trip down through the Don Valley and under the Parkway (via the very interesting Todmorden Mills (cool name too!)) was unfortunately unphotographed. However, it was like stepping out of Toronto into a little turn-of-the-previous-century village - but only briefly! Our destination was George's Trains *link* on Mount Pleasant, but they have unfortunately closed that landmark location in favour of their new, more northerly location.

Saturday night I was treated to a steak dinner, and then we headed down to see what other interesting interchange traffic was at Parkdale Yard:


I also got a chance to look at some of Spitfire's outstanding large scale modelling. For those of you that don't know, she's also an award-winning 1/6 scale military modeller. Her WW2 scenes are incredible. Worship

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