DoctorWayne and shelf layout benchwork
Thanks, Les - I had read that thread when you originally posted it. Smile

Aisle width in that area is about 3', and the second level benchwork will be at a height of about 60". Tracks crossing the doorway area on both the upper and lower levels are on lift-outs, and what will become the "lower level", once the second level is in place, was designed so that operators will be seated on rolling office chairs. The layout is really intended to be operated by only one person, although I will make provision for a second operator. This is definitely not designed to be big-time railroading. Wink Goldth

As noted in your thread, no one is guaranteed good health, or even any health, but my feeling is that the onset of serious health problems would likely make the entire layout expendable. As much as we would like to think of our hobby efforts as "permanent", for most of us they're only as permanent as we ourselves. Often, even family has no interest (just as well, in my opinion), and when that day comes, it won't matter.


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