ocalicreek's kitbash summer '09 challenge
Three more images to update the progress.


The first is an overall shot of the eventual placement of the various componants. There will be a covered hallway connecting the two buildings from the lower left corner of the upper tall brick building down to the inner second window of the loading building. The artistic voice in my head wanted to create a line of sight directing the eye from the little add-on on the outer second window of the lower building, up the angled roof of the connecting hallway (not pictured...just imagine), up the side of the building where the windows are offset from the rest on the wall, and up to the top of the tower. The other strong roof lines from the upper tall building and lower loading building will be parallel and broken by shorter perpendicular roof lines. All that to say, there is a plan to this arrangement, not just a jumble of building parts.

The second picture shows the difference in the original wall color (left) and new wall color, "Georgia Clay" from Delta. I did not prime these buildings Wallbang and now there is some flaking if you scratch the wall. A good coat of matte sealer seems to help, and hopefully the additional color layers of mortar wash and highlight brick will help, as will another heavy coat of sealer.

The third picture is a close-up of the tower segment. This is a completely bashed element, as the original kit did not include this feature. This is made from 3/4" wide segments of wall bits remaining from shortening the tall brick building. It will eventually have a pointy roof and window insets.

I have been applying the mortar wash (quaker gray and sandstone mix, 50/50, diluted with water very thin) and assembling other various componants like roof vents, etc. The next major phase of the project will be laying out the diorama base and painting the concrete foundation parts. The lower loading building will have concrete foundation. The upper will have rough hewn stone. I hope to imply that perhaps the lower building was a later addition. We'll see how successful that is.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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