Athearn producing modern diesels in fallen flag colors
jglfan Wrote:I don't pay attention to modern stuff so I can't remember the anme of the company, however there was one manufacturer not long ago everyone at Atlas Forum was excited about, great detail, etc. They released I think two models, then decided to release them in paint schemes which never existed like described above. When sales lagged they did not have the capitol needed to put out their previously announced models and a great many complained. Based on this admittadly not remembered very well heresay, I would think Athearns sales may not do to well on these.

That said, thee is a modeler on Atlas who posted pics of modern units he painted in NYC lightning strips, two tone grey. They looked fantastic, and if I were working now I would probably buy a couple units like that, if tehy looked as good.


I suspect that Horizon is big enough that if they don't sell as well as expected, they will just move on. For a new start up company to try something like that is just not clear headed thinking.

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