Progress on the Canadian Southern
I've been enjoyin summer so I haven't been in the train room a whole lot the last month or two...

but today I went in to start back up and get going.... and came across a few hurdles....

first, the ceiling lamp... fell down off the brackets. This is the lamp that was installed when I moved in... grrr! I haven't really played with it yet, but I'm not happy... it could be a good excuse to install a new, better, more powerful track lighting system though. Smile

The next thing I noticed that the weather has caused some changes... I knew that the track would expand/contract... but I didn't know it would THIS much. Pretty much my whole mainline has jumped off where it has been glued down, even some of the stacked and glued foam came loose....

I'm not impressed, in fact I have no idea what to do with it all now....

Anyways, I'm thinking before I get too much farther... I got a few options:

Sell off what track I have not used (a few peco switches, a boat load of flex track), and salvage some of the peco turnouts that are down and sell them off too... After that, use the funds to buy up some Kato track and lay this down Kato style!

Sell off whats mentioned before, and go HO.
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