Nachoman's kitbash 09 summer challenge
3-in-1! That's it!

Yes, I can see how the stone walls would work, given that you liberally apply a generous dusting of your base scenery color to tint it to fit in. It does have that Old West Ghost Town sort of feel. Cool choice.

And those underframes, yes, I looked at those as well when I was searching for log cars. What I ended up with instead (after years of searching) was the MDC Twin-Pak skeleton log cars. I'd love a few more as I have only the pair now, and they're still unassembled. But they are a VERY nicely detailed kit, fairly heavy, and considerably cheaper than Kadee's log cars. Had to go all the way to Canada to find them... Wallbang

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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