Is This Right?
Your first photo explains it perfectly, Puddlejumper. That's an Andrews tender truck on the rear, and an all-cast type, commonly called a Bettendorf, on the front (Bettendorf was the name of one manufacturer, but many companies made very similar style trucks). Andrews trucks were originally designed to accept the journal boxes from outlawed archbar trucks, a cost-saving measure when that regulation went into effect.
When freight cars were shopped, it wasn't all that unusual for them to return to service with dissimilar trucks, but it seems odd that the A&A couldn't obtain two matching trucks for that tender, especially considering that the overhaul took six years.

I have four pairs of un-used Athearn Andrews tender trucks - it shouldn't matter that all wheels are insulated, and therefore useless for current pick-up, and I'd be willing to donate a pair to the A&A. Wink

While this would lower the tender "somewhat", 357 Misngth , at least it'd be level. Goldth Misngth


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