Digital cameras and model railroading
I'm not sure. I suspect that the availability of more detailed products probably has more to do with the higher detailed layouts shown in the modeling magazines today. I think the standards for photography in MR has always been high. For many years they touted pinhole lenses even having articles on how to modify an existing lens to make a pinhole lens in order to get the best depth of field for model photography. I think that if the modeler was not capable of doing publishing quality photography, they would send out one of their staff to get professional quality photography for feature layouts. I suspect that any higher levels of detail in layouts featured in the modeling press is probably the result of more highly detailed models being available. There are so many small detail products available that were just not on the market a few years ago. An example that comes to mind immediately is BLMA. I think also many modelers are doing better scenery than used to be the standard. I remember an article on Jack Burgess' YVRR about 20 years ago where he mentioned that he didn't realize all of the color variations including greens in California's "golden grass" until he tried to model it. I suspect to, that the move toward prototype modeling as well as walk around wireless dcc control systems may have a lot to do with the increased level of detail. When you sit in a "control tower" to run your railroad detail is not as noticeable as when you follow your train up close and personal as it moves around the layout.

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