Looking for a Specific Tender
Hmm. I just went back to the original picture which you posted, Shane - I wanted to take another look at those domes, which I wouldn't have thought necessary to change. I still wouldn't bother, unless doing a full blown make-over, but it's your loco. Wink Make sure, though, that you've got suitable replacements before starting the work.

Here's a loco, similar to yours, but more-or-less "undressed":

I've since plugged the holes where the domes were, and have made new domes, but no other progress, as other projects take precedence for now.

What I did notice is that the cab is not an all-weather type, as I had originally thought. The giveaway is the canvas gathered at the rear of the cab - the picture was likely taken in the Spring or Fall, but in the Winter, that canvas would be drawn back over the sides and top of the gangway between the loco and tender, in an attempt to seal-out the cold and snow. Another clue that the cab is an open-type is the overhang of the roof at the rear. You can simply use the stock cab - remove the vent on each side, then add a sheet styrene fairing to match that which extends below the sill of the cab.
I've seen the canvas modelled in the folded state, as shown, but never in the "in-use" mode. One modeller used tissue, while another opted for suitably-folded brass shim stock.


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