Bitten by the eBay bug again ...
I support the LHS(s) whenever I can. However, none of them have much in N scale to begin with, much less the era that I model. I will continue to avoid eBay like the plague that it is since my own experience with it hasn't been that great. In my 35 transactions, I've been scammed twice and been banned for a year for something I didn't even do.

Just as a public service announcement: If you're using a cable internet provider, you share a connection with your neighbors and your IP is nearly the same. Unknowing to me, I was bidding on an item put up by someone down the street from me a couple years ago. I got an email from eBay warning me of shill bidding (something like's where you bid on your own, or a friend's item, to increase the price). I emailed them back stating I didn't even know what they were talking about, because at the time, I didn't.

With my next bid, I was instantly banned, no questions asked. Even after finding out what had happened and going back and forth w/ eBay for 3 months, they upheld my ban. So as far as I'm concerned, eBay sucks.


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