Trip planning -- California
Wow - that's a tough one! There is so much to see. I fly all over the country, stop just about everywhere, and have probably seen every square foot of the continental US from 45,000 feet up. If you cutting across the US from the general Northeastern area, there's some great places to see, but the weather is going to be a factor unless you drive to the southeast pretty quickly on your swing to Texas. But first things first...are you starting from Ontario?

I don't know if many of the rail museums are open during those particular weeks, but that's probably easy to find out on the web or by contacting them. I'd stop at the rail museum in PA, take the Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive above the Shenandoah Valley which takes you past Roanoke, VA and visit the Virginia Rail Museum, then to Spencer, NC and visit the NC Transportation Museum (one my family has visited and is really pretty good), then swing west.

Citation Latitude Captain
Lt Colonel, USAF (Retired)

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