Norwegian music video w/steam train
eightyeightfan1 Wrote:Nice video, good looking girl and trains!....Who could ask for more?
Except...What's she saying?

Quick and rough translation, done in 15 minutes at 7 am on Tuesday morning (ie - don't expect too much from it):

"De møttes på en reise
på en reise over land og jord
og dette va for lenge lenge sia
De skulle ikkje hjem,de skulle ut
og folge fremmed spor
til ukjent plass og hemmelige stia"

"They met on a journey
On a journey crossing lands and earth
And this was a long long time ago
They weren't heading home, they were heading out
to follow foreign tracks
to unknown places and secret paths"

"Så møtte de hverandre,
i en sliten rød kupe`
og reiste enda lenger enn du kan med NSB
tel øst for horisont og vest for tia"

"Then they met each other
in a worn down red compartment
and traveled much farther than you can with NSB (Norwegian State Railroads)
to east of the horizon and west of time"

"De møttes på en reise
på en reise møttes ho og han
og reisen gikk igjennom strågul sommer
De reiste i hverandre og de reiste i et gammelt land
der ingen tror på høsten før den kommer"

"They met on a journey
On a journey he and she met
and the journey went through a grain golden summer
They travelled in each other and they travelled in an old land
where nobody believes in fall before it comes"

"Det går en sakte skinnesang
ifra en rød kupe`
den nynnes gjennom landskap ingen landmåler skal se
der loven e en sans og livet dommer"

There comes a slow track song
from a red compartment
It hums through landscapes no surveyor will ever see
where the law is a feeling, and life is the judge"

"De møttes på en reise
på en reise over land og jord
og ingen av dem trudde noensinne
at reisen skulle ende,skulle ende,ved et banespor
og bare reise videre i minnet"

"They met on a journey
On a journey he and she met
And none of them ever thought
that the journey would end, would end at station track (as in a single ended track)
and just travel on in memory"

"Det går en gammel skinnesang
ifra en rød kupe
Den song om det som var engang
den bæres videre
den bæres av et håp og langs ei skinne"

"There comes an old track song
from a red compartment
It sings of what once was
It is carried along
It is carried along by a hope and along a track"

But of course the translation doesn't do justice to the original when it comes to the rhythm and rhyme - I am not an artist like she is.

Kari Bremnes comes up with new word combinations like "skinnesong" (track song - presumably the sound the wheel on the car makes when they hit joints in old rails) and "strågul" (straw yellow - presumably the golden color of grain in late summer - the mental image I get is like in the song "fields of gold"), she uses words from her northern Norwegian dialect, and she uses mental pictures that mean something to Norwegians - like "worn down red compartments" - the Norwegian state railroads used red vinyl on seats in the olden days, and they believe in using old rolling stock for as long as they can get away with it Goldth


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