Island layouts
I always referred to my old 8' X 16' layout as "modular", built in 2' X 3'-101/2" "modules". In fact, it was really a sectional layout.
What I have now, are truly modules. The "new modules thread" takes three of the original sections, and moves the scenes to modules built to a group standard.
I went with the sectional, originally, because I was on active military duty, and moved every three years. The 3'-10 1/2" length was to fit in a plywood crate, made of two sheets of 4' X 8' X 3/4" plywood. ( I was trusting "lowest bidder movers" with the safe transport of my layout ).

Modular, or Sectional....take your pick, while having different purposes, can be useful for limited, or "difficult to manage" room size. Sectional, can be more easily incorporated into a permanent layout at some future time, and while "not a layout" in themselves, can in fact, be a useful means of building "that layout".
If nothing else, a section can be a "learning platform", a place to make all the mistakes and learn from them. A section, can more easily be "the victim of natural disaster", and rebuilt. Sections can remain up and connected, where they don't block doors, windows, bathroom access, etc. and the ones that would, can be moved, and stored under the ones that stay up. ( blocking patio doors in the dead of winter ) What can remain up, could have sufficient "operational features" to make up for the lack of "the loop".
A sectional layout may not be "the perfect layout', but it could be the perfect solution to the current restrictions, and become part of a larger layout when time and/or space allow.
It is said, by the wiser of us, that only two things are sure......Death, and Taxes.( We might, someday, actually cure death, there is no cure for taxes )There is one additional sure thing.................Time changes all.
A one piece large layout is a thing of beauty and pride. A sectional layout, adapts to that "third sure thing" can be moved, and it can change, with relative ease.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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