Island layouts
MountainMan Wrote:In fact, I have already come up with a way to double the space for my layout within the existing room, without covering any of the doors. I'll try to come up with a coherent track plan from this software - I'm a "little software challenged".

Thanks for your reply, MountainMan - that is exactly the kind of response which I was hoping to hear. Goldth

I'd be hopelessly lost with a computer drawing programme, being much more comfortable with a pencil and paper, and even then, my efforts would be confined to a couple of sketches. After that, I'd be off to get some lumber. Misngth

MountainMan Wrote:Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. Your personal comments are duly noted, DR.

If I have expressed myself well-enough that my intent and meaning were clearly understood as I had intended, then I am pleased to know that we remain on cordial terms. Thumbsup


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