Cleaning your models?
I try not to handle them at all, but if I do, it is near the running boards, and not/never on the shells. As a result, my engines develop a coat of dust over time, but if I do happen to touch them, it isn't a sticky sensation, just dry paint. Also, except for weathering with acrylic washes, I don't paint at all.

For getting rid of dust, I use my breath and/or a clean, dry artist's brush with longish bristles. I flick the brush gently over the item and blow at what is raised by that action.

It goes all over the layout, but a later sprtiz with water and a bit of isopropyl alcohol over any dusty ground foam will soon have it looking prety good again. Or, you can try a gentle vacuuming over the ground foam, but be prepared to have to add a touch up layer.


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