Still struggling with operations
There's another way of operation that is easy on the nerves and quite fun..Its called "rotation".

Here's the way it works.

I like this method and I have used it on my past loop layouts-I can count those on 1 hand and all but one(a HO layout) was double track.

First train is out of the freight yard is a Westbound.This gives me room and time to classify the remaining cars into trains.

Second train comes out of the station..This will be the morning Eastbound mail train with mail express cars,mail storage(baggage cars) and 2-3 coaches.

I then have the second freight made up so,the first train is now a inbound and it arrives the units are cut off and taken to the engine service area.

The second Westbound freight departs.

I now classify the inbound cars.Several of these cars will be made into the local freight.

A Eastbound freight is now ready..

The Eastbound mail train will now backs into the station track.

The Eastbound freight departs.

I build the local.

See how it works?

The local will depart when the second inbound arrives-that will be the second Westbound.

This is the operation I used on my old N Scale 36" x80" hollow core door layout.This layout had a 7 track yard,a 4 track engine service area,a small town area and a industrial area.There was no space eating mountains,rivers or lakes.

During a public showing I could change trains every 15 minutes.

All of this was before DCC so,I use 4 power packs and use Atlas selectors for block control-a very simple approach.1-3 persons could operate this layout.

Summerset Ry

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