Island layouts
Quote:The hobby is model railroading not model dithering.

I read this thread way back when the above quote was new, then just now reread the thread. The abrasive comments on this page gave me a bad taste then but I decided to just leave it since I agreed with the sentiment, that a person should just get on with modeling and do something, anything, to get up out of the armchair and get started.

But after revisiting the thread I had to chime in. I'm one of those 'model ditherers' from time to time. I'm also a person who likes to live in my head and chew on different ideas. Sometimes I get involved in these threads just to join in the discussion whether or not I actually will use any of the information at the time or ever - just sharing in the conversation is enjoyment enough.

So I resent & resemble that remark about model dithering. Just putzing around the train room is all I want to do sometimes and that's fine. I will encourage anyone to get up off their butts and do some modeling and sometimes I need that encouragement just as much as the next person. But don't be too hard on those of us who spend our time 'dithering'. Life gets in the way of the hobby sometimes.

Even the great John Allen went through periods of disinterest in the hobby; one such time he even considered ripping out the trains and taking up another hobby altogether! And this was a single guy with enough money to allow plenty of time for his hobby without family constraints, work load, etc.

Just my two cents, although that may not be worth much if you brand me a 'ditherer', with an opinion not worth considering. :ugeek:

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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