Trains & Ghost Stories

Just kidding. I'm whiling my time away here and am coming cross a number of good ol' fashioned ghost stories about a few hapless brakemen who meet their unfortunate demise while working on the rail road. With Halloween just around the bend, I was wondering who here has some good ol' train ghost stories to tell?

My personal favorite has to be of the one I read about that happened in Vancouver of 1928. It is said that in the CPR yards on Grant Street, an unfortunate brakeman named Hub Clark secured his place in local folklore. It was a dark and stormy night when Mr. Clark slipped and fell on the tracks and knocked himself unconscious. Moments later a passenger train rolled through and decapitated poor Hub. Since then tales abound on rainy nights about a hapless and headless brakeman wearing overalls who can be seen walking about with his lantern, perhaps looking for his head, or perhaps as warning to other to others about the perils of slipping in the mud near the tracks.

BOO! Icon_lol


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