For you N Scaler's out there
TrainNut Wrote:Not trying to be mean... just honest...
Knowing the quality and care that you put into your other structures, it looks like you got in a hurry on the mortar joints. I'm not sure if it would look any better but you could try applying the whitewash vertically as vertical is a more natural weathering direction than horizontal. All in all, still a fine looking structure.

The mortar joints do look a little bad in the pics, but they dont look so harsh and bold up close from normal viewing, the camera catches everything and really brings the flaws out lol. I dont think i rushed through the mortar lines, i spent about 2 hours doing it this morning lol.

I do think i need to thin the paint a little bit next time though, and i will also try doing the vertical wiping instead of the horizontal. I was doing it vertical at first, but it was leaving alot of paint behind, so thats when i switched to horizontal wiping. But again, i think if i thin the paint some next time it will be easier to wipe away.

Thanks for the suggestion TN, and no worries, your not being mean, just trying to help Misngth
Josh Mader

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