Rail Road Memerabilia / stuff
Hello Lester---thanks for starting this interesting thread.I have always wanted a triple globe marker lamp that were found on the last car (usually the caboose),but the availability and cost have preventing me from obtaining one.Another item I would love to own is a number plate from a Canadian National locomotive but I would probably have to sell a couple of my brass locomotives to cover the cost---so forget that idea.Anyway,I have managed to obtain a couple of lanterns.The first lantern is a double globe,yellow in colour---I'm not sure but I think it was a yard limit marker(please correct me if I'm wrong.The second lantern is a CPR switchman's lantern which I was fortunate to have recently obtained.Here's some pictures---if anyone has any further information on these items I would appreciate any feedback---thanks,Nutbar

[Image: 1002d002.jpg]

[Image: 1002d003.jpg]

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