Relettering passenger cars
My local hobby shop carries a decal paper design for you to make your own decals on a printer. The company that makes the paper also sells a spray can of fixative that you shoot over the film after you print the lettering or graphics on it. You may need to spray the fixative after you paint it silver and then after putting on the lettering decals, spray the fixative again. I would try to remove the lettering with some of the methods mentioned here first. If the chemical stripper you use takes off the paint, just spray paint the area silver, and let it dry and then add your decal lettering. If the chemical stripper does not remove the lettering, it is not that difficult to glue a piece of 600-800 "wet or dry" sand paper to a popsicle stick or a piece of bass wood the correct width to fit the lettering board above the windows and then add the decals. One other method is that Microscale offers lettering sets in various colors including silver in all of the popular railroad fonts. You could cut out individual letters to cover the existing letters with silver, and then decal your Santa Fe lettering over the top. It would be a tedious process, but it would work.

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