Cleaning your models?
sgtcarl1 Wrote:While we're on the topic, is it safe to submerge the electrical motors in rubbing alcohol? Woulld it be okay to just flush them out, if it's not advisable to submerge them? Any better way to clean them thoroughly?

The danger of submerging electric motors in rubbing alcohol would only be the possibility of dissolving the insulating paint that is used in the windings. If it is laquer, the alcohol won't hurt it, but if it is either water based or alcohol based, the alcohol may dissolve the paint and create a short circuit in the motor windings. I think what I would do to be safe would be to remove the motor from the model and the spray it with a product like "Dust Off" computer cleaner. On a can motor, you should not need to clean it since it is sealed. On an open frame motor like the old Athearn blue box locomotives, don't forget to put a drop of plastic compatible oil in the bearings after cleaning.

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