My layout. by toptrain
**** Here we go the roundhouse,turntable.
* As I had said I would have to install my yard entrance track. This is now done. the road bed is there. Next measure a viable space between the tracks. It is 66". Mark the centre. The centre of the turntable will be 9" from the edge of the board. Next I make another circle at a 15" radius. Now I extend the turntable centre line across the entire 66" clear space. The roundhouse segments are 10 degrees apart. 8 stalls times 10 is 80 degrees. I make a mark at 80 degrees. I make a line from the turntable centre thro my 80 deg mark to the roadbed. I placed my 8 stall round house in its location aliening the centre line as a track centre for stall #1 going cc wise. Using the 15" radius circle as a curve outline to match up my roundhouse front, sliding the round house back away from centre till the 0 deg centre line and the 80 deg. line match up with the door centres for section #1 and #8. Also keeping the space between the 15' circle line and the roundhouse even my alignment is done for doors 1 and 8. I marked the centres of the other 6 door sections. Then I removed the roundhouse placing it aside. I drew the remaining 6 lines for the track centrelines thro the other 6 sections. Placing the roundhouse back in its spot I checked all alignment marks front and rear of the round house. I now have the roundhouse properly aliened and all track centres located. I just have to mark the location of the complete rear wall. Note it thickness. then mark my centrelines to show the length of the tracks into the roundhouse. this completes the marking for the 8 stall round house. I choose a location for the 3 section roundhouse and do it all again using the marks already there. For the Heljan setup of these modles a 10 degree spaceing is what works. 15 deg is to wide.



" It's a Heck of a Day " !!!!

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