CP Scarborough Harbor Branch Line - HO Scale
Anytime you want to build a device to reduce voltage, especially if you are talking 1.5 volts from 110, you need to check your actual voltage at the wall. It is a common practice for electrical companies to increase the voltage if they have heavy usage and haven't built in more power availability. This is probably a more common problem in industrial applications, but remember that transformers are linear. If a transformer is designed to drop the voltage from 110 to 12, if the power company gives you 125 volts, your actual power will be 13.6 volts. Most 12 volt devices will handle 13.6 without a problem. Now, if you are reducing 110 volts to 1.5, and the power company gives you 125 instead, you will end up with 1.7 volts. A 12 volt bulb may handle 13.6 volts ( especially since most 12 volt bulbs are actually design for 14 volts). A 1.5 volt bulb probably will not handle 1.7 volts.

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