Questions about a Xmas Layout
Hello all!

I don't usually frequent this forum, being an HO modeler (primarily) but I have some questions that I'm hoping you can answer for me.

I'm building (well, Santa is, actually) an N scale layout for my son for Xmas. He is 5 and SO ready for model trains. He will be inheriting Dad's N scale from 25 years ago (yikes! Eek ). I have loads of Atlas track and have already come up with a suitable plan for loop running and plenty of switching. The kid loves switching.

The locomotive is a GE U-boat in Chessie colors by Bachmann. Before anyone cautions me about Bachmann, don't worry, this one has always been and continues to be after all these years, a great running engine. In fact, now that I know more about keeping wheels clean, lubing gears, etc. it's running even better than before. There's a matching caboose as well as 8 or 9 assorted pieces of rolling stock, most with metal wheels.

My questions: Since this is his first layout, is it worth the time & money to replace the old square couplers with knuckle couplers?

I'm not sure yet how I'll be building the benchwork, but I want it to be sturdy enough for a 5-year old to lean on (climb over) if necessary. Any suggestions? I've built various types of HO benchwork from open grid to table top & foam construction.

Right now I use DCC for my HO stuff. For now this layout will be one block, DC control.

Any other thoughts, questions, suggestions, etc?

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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