Questions about a Xmas Layout
kids are very hands on. They will couple and uncouple cars by picking them up. Rapidos will handle this "switching maneuver" better than then knuckle couplers. I also would not make too many (or any) sidings. Switches cause derailments, and the kids aren't as interested in switching cars on the side tracks as us adults. You are better off making an over/under figure 8, tunnels, or some kind of "go somewhere" interest Trainnut's layout looks about perfect for a small child. As they get older, you can see where their interests are and build a new layout tailored to their interest. I am speaking from my own memory here. Until I was about 10 years old, I only cared about putting the trains on the track and watching them go around in a loop. Tunnels and bridges were interesting, as were uphill/downhill grades. I didn't have much of an interest in sidings or yard tracks until I was about 12.
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