An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Thanks Tetters, I really have no idea what color I will wind up painting it. A thorough cleaning and vacuuming of the work bench area failed to turn up the missing part, so I will have to write Jordan again. In the meantime I've been able to spend some time working on the area the crane will work in. My computer crapped out and I got a new one, then couldn't find my disc for MGI Photosuite, so I haven't been able to post any pics till now.

Here are two pics from either end of the area. In the first pic, the three foreground tracks will be ballasted with the same ballast you se at far right, which is Buff. The yard tracks are ballasted with cinders, you can see it above the ramp. I'm not certain which of these two ballasts I will use on the track behind the crane and passenger car. The grade crossing could serve as a place to switch ballast color. It seems logical that cinders would be continued. But I wonder which ballast would look best in photos I'd take when the area is done. See next post examples of what I mean, and let me know your thoughts, please!

Here is a pic of the ramp

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