For your wish list...
I might be a little more excited about this, but I can't shake the feeling that in some way, I paid for it!
I guess it's because I think of myself as a model builder, not necessarily a model railroader. For me, the hobby is building, and the "layout", is a display case......and I always build my own display cases.

"If I were rich, I might go so far as to hire someone to teach me the skills I lacked, so that I could go further in my own modeling efforts."
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.

In many ways I'm happier that I'm not rich. If I had been, I probably still wouldn't be able to build anything. I'd just buy it!

I'm not a teacher, I never got the education, and certification, to be a teacher. I was, however, an instructor. I came to understand, in the three years that I "taught", that no one can "teach" someone to do something........the someone has to learn, or not.
If anyone wants to go further in their modeling skills, they have to do, fail, and do it over, as many times as it takes to learn it.
Skills are learned by doing, and perfection is never achieved. We can become very good at, and our works can be admired and praised, but we can never reach failure is, in truth, a "teacher", and we can only be as good as we work towards being.
Praise, can be an incentive to work harder, because it only lasts for the moment, and gets harder to receive each time. We have to work harder, to get the praise the next time..........and we have to risk not getting it in order to be driven to improve. We have to risk having our egos bruised, by showing what we have done, to get the praise we seek. That risk, becomes greater as we begin to see "competition" in the works of others, which leads to.....OK you can do that better than I can, but if you can do that, it can be done, so I can strive to achieve that level..............and again......and again.....and again. Each time raising our own level of ability, and accomplishment.

Think about what we lose, when we are "rich enough" to buy it all. My riches, are the skills and abilities I have gained from doing, failing, and doing again, until I got it right.
Learning, is living. I'll know when I'm dead, because I won't be learning any more.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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