Staying on track?
gec,I been in this hobby for years and to put it quite mildly I am well rounded in some areas and know nothing or very little in other areas..IMHO that doesn't mean a thing.

Of course every modeler has his/her own areas where they shine.I never believed in "experts" since they seem to complicate the simple and overstate the obvious.

Find the areas your are best at and hone those skills..

As far as scenery..Way to many times scenery doesn't jive with Mother Nature..As a example:Ever see a layout with a large water fall that has nothing more then a small pool to catch those millions of gallons of water that comes cascading down the fall? My first thought is where is all that water going? You see Mother Nature would provide a drainage system such as a creek for that water.

Another example is having the Appalachian Mountains looking like the Rockies or vice versa.

Scenery is something that needs to be understood or it will fall short in believability.

Summerset Ry

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