Cans of compressed air for removing dust?
I found a vacuum cleaner attachment set at a well known tire store in Canada. It has a reducing pipe and some small diameter fittings including brushes and crevice tools.
When I use it near the layout I put a piece of screen over the big vacuum pipe to catch any bits that get swept up accidentally.
I have a battery operated blower that I haven't used much. My preferred dusting tool is a shaving brush that is redundant since I gave up shaving.
I also use some of those fine brushes with the plastic stems and the .5mm cotton heads. If I have a tight area I use them with a bit of water (!) to dislodge the dust. If I know the paint will handle it I may use alcohol or track cleaner (on wheels and pickups).
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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