New Year's Hobby Resolutions
Build the passenger station kit I got for Christmas, extend it's platform to 6', then scenick the area around it. Get the address for Jordan so I can request a replacement part for the one I lost for the steam crane kit, then finish that. Finish a few small structures and the roof details for my corp. headquarters bldg, and the peninsula with the yard and engine servicing facility will be complete with the exception of a small area which houses the end of the Garfield industrial area.

After that, remove the turnback trackage at the end of the other peninsula, and relay it removing the super elevation which I overdid and causes problems with some equipment.

Then I will return to finish that area which is the Garfield industrial branch, starting with finishing Quinn Ball Bearing, a scratchbuilt sand, stone and gravel dealer, and a Campbell kit.

If I get that much done, next would be the balance of the Garfield branch, street running trackage, some homes and stores, a cement plant, finish the Neilson Motors bldg, a stretch of trees and an oil distributor. No way I'll finish that!

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