Steam triumphs
sgtcarl1 Wrote:H-m-m-m.....makes me wonder if NS would be willing to pull one of their old steam engines out of the Museum of Transportation, the next big snowstorm we get?? (possibly this weekend) I hear old 1218 can be "brought to life" almost any time, and with some effort, J series #611 could be fired up in a matter of "a few hours."

Both require major work. The rules have changed since they were parked...dramatically changing the game. Both would need to be completely stripped and have extensive ultrasound testing performed. Still, if the CEO has the right political connections...he could get an exemption from the FRA rules and possibly due just what you've said! Most steam locomotives on display could be just fired up, but it just isn't safe and many things wouldn't work right.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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