The roofs at the "top" of the picture in your link do look like doctowayne's suggestion of "composition" - i.e. gravel roofing. The darker patches look like they may be slightly lower areas that are still wet from rain (does it do that in Miami?). The dark areas are quite large and I believe they correspond with the rafters in the structure itself, not with any seams in the material used. In gravel roofing, you don't end up seeing any seams.

However, the smaller/finer pattern visible towards the bottom of the picture in your link looks like "torch-on" roofing. It is thick, tar-like rolls that are literally melted with a propane torch before being unrolled and pressed onto the roof for a permanent seal. The seams are very visible due to the melted tar being squeezed out as the rolled is pressed into place. The rolls are of a size to be handled by one person, hence the fine pattern.

Hope that helps.


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